CONTACTS: Tel.:022 347 22 47 -

Doctor Jessica Mossaz-Marinic and her team welcome you to Ortho Mossaz practice. Located in the centre of town, two minutes away from the HUG hospital, the Ortho Mossaz dental practice is dedicated exclusively to Orthodontics. Orthodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the diagnosis, the prevention and the correction of dental and dento-facial deformities. Our site will give you some useful information on different aspects of an orthodontic treatment but don’t hesitate to contact our front desk using the form on the contact page or directly by phone or email.
In case of an orthodontic emergency our helpful team is there for you. Contact us Tél.: 022 347 22 47


Ortho Mossaz is a family owned orthodontic practice founded by Dr Claude and Dr Katarina Mossaz in 1982. In 2014, their daughter Dr Jessica Mossaz-Marinic joined the office after having finalized her orthodontic curriculum in Bern. Dr Claude and Dr Katarina Mossaz have now retired but Jessica continues to work to assure you obtain the smile you deserve.

Dr Jessica Mossaz-Marinic
Dr Leandra Schaub
Administrative assistant
Dental hygienist
Dental hygienist
Dental assistant
specialized in prophylaxis
Dental assistante
Dental assistante


Radiologie: Planmeca Romexis

Our latest digital radiology equipment includes panoramic radiography and profile teleradiography. It allows for reliable diagnosis with less radiation exposure.

Moulages: ITERO Scanner

For initial documentation, dental casts are taken using an intraoral scanner, so it is no longer necessary to take impressions. This new technique allows us to manipulate and measure on 3D models that are visualized on our screens. With this method, it is also possible to send the scans directly to the Invisalign laboratories for the manufacture of aligners and Incognito for the manufacture of lingual appliances.

Useful information

At what age should you consult an orthodontist?

There is no answer to this question because each orthodontic problem determines its own best starting time. Some malocclusions are best treated at a young age when for others it is best to wait until the permanent dentition. We recommend you to ask your family dentist for advice and when in doubt come to the practice for an initial consultation. We can then make a primary diagnosis and tell you at what age it is best for your child to be treated. An early examination allows the orthodontic specialist to determine when a child’s particular problem should be treated for maximum improvement with the least time expense. In many patients, early treatment achieves results that are unattainable once the jaws have finished growing. Furthermore, early intervention can make the completion of treatment at a later age easier and less time consuming. Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age. In fact, about 25% of orthodontic patients today are adults. The biological process involved in tooth movement is the same in adults and children. The health of an individual’s teeth, gums and supporting bone is what is most important in determining the prospects for improving an adult’s smile and dental health. However, because an adult’s facial bones are no longer growing, some corrections cannot be accomplished with braces alone. In these cases orthognatic surgery might be necessary to position the jaws in a correct position and achieve functional and aesthetic results.

Before starting an orthodontic treatment

Initial consultation

At this appointment we will perform an intra-oral and extra-oral examination. We will look for occlusal disturbances, aesthetic problems, functional and aetiological responsible factors. We will then give you information regarding the diagnosis, the ideal age for treatment, the different options of treatment and an approximate estimation of the cost. Do not hesitate to ask us all your questions at this moment.


When it is time to start an orthodontic treatment, an appointment is fixed to take all the initial records. It includes most of the time radiographic images, intra- and extra-oral photos and a scan of the dentition. These records, together with the initial exam, are carefully analysed by the orthodontist to prepare the proper treatment plan.


The next appointment, the consultation, is very important, this is when all the records are shown and explained to the patient and parents. The treatment plan and its cost estimate are then discussed. If accepted, appointments are fixed for the start of the active treatment.


Our office uses the official SSO tarification for more information see the related links. The bills are sent by the Caisse des Médecins. It is possible to arrange with them a staggering of the payment of your bills.

We offer in our office different types of appliances

These appliances are usually placed in the mixed dentition and try to correct the malocclusion early by modifying the growth pattern.

Fixed appliances : usually placed in the permanent dentition, these appliances correct the malocclusion efficiently.

for adult patients, we offer a range of more aesthetic options like removable trays or lingual appliances.


Many orthodontic “emergencies” can be relieved at home by yourself. While you await your appointment, these guidelines will help you resolve minor problems.

Sore teeth or discomfort

Right after getting your braces, and sometimes after an adjustment appointment, your teeth and mouth will feel sore, causing a discomfort and even pain during the first 3 days to 7 days of treatment. This discomfort caused by the tension of the braces on your teeth is normal and temporary, it is increased with mastication. While you adjust to your new braces, you may take mild pain relievers to alleviate the pain and you should eat soft food.

Lips and cheeks irritations

Sometimes new braces can be irritating to the mouth (lips, cheeks or tongue). A small amount of orthodontic wax makes an excellent buffer between the braces and lips, cheek or tongue. Simply pinch off a small piece and roll it into a ball the size of a small pea. Flatten the ball and place it completely over the area of the braces causing irritation. If possible, dry off the area first as the wax will stick better. If the wax is accidentally swallowed it’s not a problem, the wax is harmless.

Poking archwire

If the end of an orthodontic archwire has come out of the last bracket, you can attempt to put it back in place with a tweezers or a Q-tip. If the wire can’t be replaced, use wax over the area to protect the cheek and inform the office. It may happen during the treatment that the wire is getting too long behind the last bracket and is poking into your cheek. Again, use the orthodontic wax to protect the area. If the pain persists, contact the office.

Loose bracket

Please, call our office to see if the bracket needs to be re-fitted and if needed schedule a repair appointment. Try to keep the various parts that are broken or loose and bring it with you at you next appointment. In the meantime, you may cover the irritated area with wax.

We hope these first aid tips are useful to you. Don’t hesitate to call the office, we are happy to help you. If an emergency that you can’t relieve yourself should occur outside of the office hours, we recommend you contact the AMDG on call dentist

Oral Hygiene

In order to keep your teeth clean and in good health during your orthodontic treatment, these are our recommendations:

Tooth brushing

When you are wearing braces or any type of orthodontic appliance in your mouth, it is important to brush your teeth 3 times/day. The ideal manual toothbrush has a concavity in the centre of the brush part for the bracket; the ideal electric toothbrush works with sonic vibrations. The surface of the teeth between the bracket and the gum is a critical area to brush correctly to avoid gingival inflammation and decalcifications.

Use an inter-dental toothbrush

Use the interdental toothbrush daily to clean under the wire. It helps to clean the hard to reach areas and to keep the gums healthy.

Inter-dental flossing

Flossing while wearing braces gets more difficult. For quick flossing you can use the regular waxed dental floss, which will slide between the teeth and stop at the wire. For a more intense flossing you will need a special dental floss (Superfloss). Ask our hygienists to give you a demonstration of the technique.

Rinsing with a mouthwash

A mouth rinse containing fluoride should be used daily before going to sleep.

Topical fluoride gel

In patients with high risk of decay, it can be indicated to use an additional highly fluorated gel. Our hygienists can advise you.

Cleaning your removable appliance

On removal of the appliance, rinse it, brush it with a toothbrush and leave it to air-dry when it is not in your mouth.

Make an appointment


Don’t hesitate to call the office, we are happy to help you.


Place Claparède 1, 1205 Genève Suisse


Tel.: 022 347 22 47
Fax: 022 347 22 48


Publics Transport: Bus n° 1, 3, 5, 7
Arrêt Claparède
Parking: Lombard, COOP Champel


Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8h-18h
Wednesdays: 8h-17h
Fridays: 8h-12h


Need more information? Ask your questions and fill the form below

Practical links :

Société Suisse d’Orthopédie Dento-Faciale :
Association des Médecins Dentistes de Genève :
Société Suisse des Médecins-dentistes: